Faith is our focus is dedicated to the study of the Holy Bible the inspired word of God.
Who am I? I am a born again christian who believes the Bible is the true and the inspired word of God. I believe that my sins have been forgiven. I believe Jesus son of God was born of the virgin Mary. Jesus was beaten, tortured, spit on, mocked, and finally crucified. Jesus resurrected on the third day paying the penalty for all of our sins and providing us a way to eternal life through grace, mercy, and love (Matthew 27:32-66, Matthew 28:1-20). You must repent of your sins with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and be born again a new creation in Christ Jesus. (Psalms 34:18, Psalms 51:17, John 3:3). I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holly Spirit who lives inside us (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – 1 John 5:7). I believe that God created everything everywhere in six days and on the seventh day he rested. God created the sun, moon, stars, grass, trees, insects, animals, and man (Genesis 1:1-31).
What my name is and what I look like is unimportant. I consider this Gods website. When God gives me inspiration to write I will write. Please feel free to subscribe to be notified of the latest content that gets posted to the site. I am not doing this to be known by man. This is for Gods honor and glory with the sincere hope that it will help those that needed it.
Comments and discussion are welcome. Please keep comments considerate and remember that we may not always agree. If that happens, lets agree to agree to disagree with love in our hearts. It is unfortunate that I have to moderate the comments. I have had problems on multiple social media platforms with undesired content (picture, video, and comments) being posted. This site needs to be safe for kids to view. I use the King James version of the bible. You can read other translations if you wish. I just caution that sometimes the other translations substitute words that have a lesser meaning (Repent vs Regret).
If you have a question or prayer request please feel free to email them using the contact us link above.
God Bless You All
Faith is Our Focus
Psalms 119:105 KJV
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path.